Hussain in the membrane

Making Of…

Posted in physical computing, thesis by teenybreeny on April 28, 2009

XBee Series 1 Serial Communication Set up

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on April 12, 2009

lilypad circuitry

lilypad circuitry 2

two Arduino boards

The parts that are needed to go wireless:

1. wireless dongle carrier… available at new micros (

2. 2 Series 1 (series 2 for some reason has a ridic. impossible protocol to work with) XBee modules… I chose the chip antenna just because I am thinking of the comfort of a wearable garment, but you are free to purchase either of these:


digital compass sensor readings found!!!

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on April 7, 2009


Now I just need to change it to read 2 compass sensors.. .and then have them talk to Max.

user test 1

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on March 29, 2009

What I learned:

The switches were too thick and were forced encounters, therefore the material needs to be thin.

The placement was not exactly as needed to be.

I need to find a way to make a third soft circuit switch when the two exchange contact between their thighs.

I need to incorporate a better sound system so that you can actually hear the sound output.

I need to study the leg movements a bit more to understand where the placement of the accelerometer beongs…

[click to view images and video of user testing]


Joey and JoAnne’s survey results

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on March 29, 2009

• Name the steps that you performed/will perform in the Vienna opera ball.

There were a number of “unconventional” aka non-syllabus steps, like
many performance pieces. (more…)

no shiftin in arduino… what the truck?!

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on March 25, 2009

So, I am trying to get digital binary numbers from a compass sensor to read into Arduino, except there IS NO SHIFTIN FUNCTION, so I have to create my own function for this. Almost there. Today in Adv. Physical Computing, I figured out how to do this with a Piso Shift Register. SOON! I promise, SOON! I will be getting to the point where the compass sensor can talk to Max to create an interesting output.

In the meantime, enjoy the code. Use it, abuse it, live it, love it:


wearable sketches/design

Posted in Uncategorized by teenybreeny on March 24, 2009




I’m falling in love! Here is what it looks/sounds/feels like.

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on March 24, 2009

Joe’s coffee is love.


building soft circuit switches

Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on March 23, 2009

1. I started off with the following materials to build the soft circuit switch: two strips of Conductive fabric, two pieces of felt, and shoulder pad with a hole cut in the center.




Posted in thesis by teenybreeny on March 23, 2009

Sensor Placements





Visual of all joints/stories represented
